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Journal Information

Scientific peer-reviewed “Vestnik SibADI” is published since 2004, included in the list of leading periodicals, recommended by VAC. Registered as a mass media: Certificate of Registration Media PI number FS77-30608 on December 19, 2007, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage. Rospechat Index 66000. ISSN 2071-7296.

Publication Sections

Construction – building and construction, building and road materials, transportation facilities. Transport – transport and production machines, motor vehicles operation. Computer science, computer engineering and management – algorithms, software tools, mathematical models. Economics and management – economic theory, economics and management, logistics, finance, statistics. Psychology and pedagogy – the psychological and pedagogical aspects of higher education, university and graduate education. Ecology and Ergonomics – environmental protection, life safety, working conditions improving. The electronic version of the journal can be found on the websites: banner3 Scientific Electronic Library  website  “SibADI”


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