Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief – Zhigadlo A.P., doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, rector, FSBEI HE «SibADI».
Deputy editor-in-chief – Korchagin P.A., doctor of technical sciences, professor, pro-rector for scientific research FSBEI HE «SibADI»
Members of the editorial board:
Glotov B.N., doctor of technical sciences, professor, Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
Efimenko V. N., doctor of technical sciences, dean of faculty «Road construction», department chair «Highways», Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk.
Zhusupbekov A.Z., Vice – President of ISSMGE in Asia, President of Kazakhstan Geotechnical Association, honorary builder of the Republic of Kazakhstan, director of the Geotechnical Institute, head of the department “Construction” of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, corresponding member of the National Academy of Engineering of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Isakov A.L., doctor of technical sciences, professor, Siberian State University of Means of Communication (SSUMC), Novosibirsk.
Karpov V.V., doctor of Economics, professor, the chairman of the Omsk scientific center of The Russian Academy of Sciences’ Siberian branch.
Lis Victor, candidate of technical sciences, design-engineer of special cranes of Liebherr – Werk Biberakh GmbH (Viktor Lis Dr-Ing. (WAK), Libherr-Werk Biberach GmbH), Mittelbiberach, Germany.
Matveev S.A., doctor of technical sciences, professor, FSBEI HE «SibADI», Omsk.
Mochalin S.M., doctor of technical sciences, professor, FSBEI HE «SibADI», Omsk.
Naskovets M.T., candidate of the technical science, YO «Belarusian State Technological University», Minsk, Belarus.
Psarianos Basil, Dr-Ing., professor Natl Technical University, Athens, Greece.
Shcherbakov V.S., doctor of technical sciences, professor, FSBEI HE «SibADI», Omsk.